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fresh air

By fresh air, funny, non sequitur

Isn’t it weird that we have one hand that knows how to do everything and then one hand that just sits there like “I don’t know how to hold a pencil”

By advice, fresh air, funny

Single and ready to reply with sarcastic remarks to any form of affection because that’s the only way I know how to mingle

By fresh air

something that i miss about childhood? well people don’t ask me what my favorite shape is anymore. adults just don’t do this. it’s a triangle in case you were wondering. you don’t care

By fresh air

Putting on your bra when your skin is wet is like wrestling with satan

By art, fresh air

i would describe my art style as post-kindergarten scribblecore

By advice, fresh air

“Consensual sex” is just sex. To say that implies that there is such a thing as “non consensual sex”, which there isn’t. That’s rape. That is what it needs to be called. There is only sex or rape. Do not teach people that rape is just another type of sex. They are two very separate events. You wouldn’t say “breathing swimming” and “non breathing swimming”, you say swimming and drowning.

By fresh air, funny

We are gathered here today because SOMEBODY *glares at coffin* couldn’t stay alive.

By advice, fresh air

my body isnt a temple my body is a castle with a moat and crocodiles and a dragon who will set you on fire if you touch me